Club repeater 147.320 is on the air

Montague County Amateur Radio Club *** WX5ARC ***
147.320 PL 192.8
442.650 PL 192.8
Backup repeater 147.360 PL 123
Club repeater 147.320 is on the air
Signed in as:
147.320 PL 192.8
442.650 PL 192.8
Backup repeater 147.360 PL 123
As most of you know the MCARC 2M antenna sits atop the County's 180' public service tower. This move to the county tower was made possible by Judge Benton.
Tower height 180 ft. at the flat top.
Top of Antenna 199 ft. All looks good. Ground elevation is 1140 ft. absl. so that gives us a good elevation in Montague Co, (Approximately 1340 ft. to antenna top).
73, Alan N5MSE
The use of Q codes in Ham Radio is well known. Here is a comprehensive list complements of N5MSE.
The following link will provide you with antenna and QTH heights relative to the Montague antenna site. It is contained in the members only so you may need to provide your password.
ARRL Radiogram blank worksheet available on the Ham Materials page.
The Club calendar now contains the Nets, Club Meeting, next VE test dates, and Birthdays of members.
Ham equipment for sale is located HERE.
Net Control can access and download a Tuesday check-in form.
Member weather stations are now online here.
The ARRL/FCC page now contains the study question pool AND a link to CW practice files on ARRL.
The latest Net Control Calendar is now published. All documents for NC Operators can be had via the Download link under the Tools at top of screen.
Weather training classes are posted and updated as needed.
You can order MCARC club logo embroidered gear from Ham Threads. They are the official supplier of quality shirts, hats, polos, decals.
Amber, KI5OQV, does custom call sign vehicle IDs. These are made for the outdoors. Contact Amber directly for custom and pricing.
Jeremy W5WKD does custom 3D printing of anything you might need for your Ham Radio station or around the shack. Contact him directly to discuss what he can do.
A 'Texas flag' name badge has been commissioned with the new Club logo in place of the white star. Want one?
Tornado in Oklahoma on 4/22.
Pecos Hank does a great job on this special report. Lightening is forever a danger to us all. I learned a lot of new info with his video.